cool icon
Botcynx probably a good bot, idk INVITE

here are some cool feature this bot has.

disable command

Disable commands you don't want on your server.

linkReader event

Copy an entire message, that you can send anywhere, as long as the bot is in both of the servers

configuration 1

edit command how you want, like you want

configuration 2
hypixel command

informations on someone's minecraft account

linkedRole event

Link roles together, if someone loses one of them they lose the roles linked

linkedRole purge

purge people's roles according to the linked roles

ticket command

create custom tickets


send a custom message at creation

ticket commands

extend your moderation with tickets with these cools sub commands

if you want to invite the bot to your own server, you can contact me on discord

You can contact me (Ascynx#0736) via discord

You can also get support on the discord server
